Walls are made of 2 inch thick Styrofoam. Detail bricks are made with 1/2 inch Styrofoam and glued on with Gorilla Glue and tooth picks (to hold in place). A wood burning tool was used to carve detail bricks. Once details are done a coating of "Monster Mud" (Drywall + black house paint) was added and left in sun to dry. Then a coat of black house paint added. Once dry, a dry brush technique was used to add white details that would show up at night.
We will need a lot more tiles! Kids Project!
The two towers were made from kid's pop-up tents. Paint the outside in black craft paint. The tiles were made with craft foam. Each was coated with Monster Mud, then black paint, then white highlights. They were sewn on with fishing line.
Top Level assembled.
Green Light test.